Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Οι οκνηροί χάκερ ενώνουν: Το Firesheep καυχάται ότι +104.000 μεταφορτώνουν σε 24 ώρες

Well that was fast. In roughly 24 hours, Firesheep has been downloaded more than 104,000 times, as would-be-hackers — or the merely curious— downloaded the Firefox extension to test the exploit. As we reported on Sunday night, Eric Butler's Firesheep allows users on a public Wi-Fi network to effectively spy on others, by giving Firesheep users access to sensitive information (via cookies) that lets them log into their victim's accounts on unsecured sites. We got a chance to catch up with Butler this evening, who has been overwhelmed by the extension's attention.

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